7 Reasons Why You Need Good Branding In Your Business

Branding. Source: https://translit.ie/blog/importance-brand-recognition/

When we purchase something, we don’t usually think anything of it other than the price probably. We just go on with the rest of our shopping trip but there’s actually a lot more to it. Think about it. There is a huge variety of cleaning products but why do we always go surfing? When it comes to tissue choices, we always go for Kleenex. We stay loyal to the brand for many reasons, it can have an emotional feeling, a built-up trust along with other aspects. These are able to establish themselves in your mind and cultivate loyalty. Starting to see branding’s true value? Keep reading to get to know its relevance in your business and in your life.

1 / Recognition

If you are a start-up, branding it a lot more important than just creating a random logo for your store. It comprises of all that you do as a business even if the whole organization is just about you. Your brand surpasses what you put out but includes how people perceive and experience it. It becomes your face and includes your values in the brand along with everything in between. In the world of digital marketing, anyone can see you and it’s up to you if you want them to remember you.


Popular Brands

Every part of your business from the social media page to the newsletters and the way you market the brand is a part of the essence of your branding. This gives the message that you respect your business and how it is seen. It is also a representation of who you are, what you stand for, and how you want people to stand with you. This is the main reason why it’s important in the business. If you want to know more about logos, you can check out our article on creating a great logo design.

Your logo is the main part of your brand as it becomes what people quickly recognize you for. A good logo design is simple enough that people can remember it but also powerful to leave a lasting impression about your brand.

2 / Trust

If your audience gets to know what your brand is about, they will start to build trust. As we know, we can’t love something we don’t know so to develop this trust, you have to get noticed and let them know your value. In building your brand, you are able to see how the first clients will view your services and their quality which can lead to a better outcome in the future.

People are more likely to buy from brands that portray legitimacy and take their brand seriously. When you showcase your competence along with a good customer experience and a cultivated social media presence, there are just no holes for failure. You have to showcase subtly that every move you are making is to please your customers to remind them why they need to come back to you.

When you use your brand strategically, this makes it identifiable as a trusted business that they will continually purchase from.

3 / Advertising

This is a major component of your brand because both the choice of medium and the target market for these ads help in building the brand. This can come in the form of a free item like free pens when you sign up for something. The pen is continually used by the person so they will keep getting reminded of the brand. Another popular one nowadays are tote bags and when more people use these bags, they become a walking advertisement for the brand. If your branding is eye-catching and memorable, people may end up asking the owner about the brand and they are able to provide you with a free promotion of what your brand is all about.

When you establish the brand and show its credibility, you are able to let your customers give themselves a valid reason to purchase from you. This gives you an advantage over your competitors as people prefer to associate themselves with something that looks good and is reputable versus those that aren’t.

4 / Power of Emotions

When you provide the customers a strong reason to feel for your business and what it can do for them, they easily have a good reason to transition to your brand and purchase your products. With this in mind, you have to remember that it is usually emotions rather than logic that bring people to make that purchase for most buyers.


Emotions Branding. Source: https://www.brandingstrategyinsider.com/2017/11/how-emotion-drives-brand-choices-and-decisions.html

As emotional creatures, we are fond of ideas, stories, and concepts that bring up an emotional nerve of want. These also are put above logic when it comes to creating brand loyalty. Branding becomes a way for making a statement to the viewer’s emotions every time they see your brand and they are reminded of the feeling. This is able to create a bridge of the story to your brand.

We must never forget that at the end of the day, the branding doesn’t just go out randomly, they are sent out to humans with emotions. It’s one reason why AI has a hard time fully grasping graphic design which we actually have an article about over here.  This is why it is relevant, especially in the current times where it only takes a few seconds before people lose interest. You can check out a full article here on how branding can truly affect a viewer’s emotions.

Branding is also helpful in getting your business word-of-mouth referrals. Why? If a client couldn’t remember what your brand looked like as she talks and raves about it to her friend then the entire conversation becomes unfruitful for you both. In order to create a lasting impression on your buyers and on people in general, you have to build yourself as a strong brand. This will help you become viewed as a leader in your industry and land you that coveted spot at the top.
By building your identity, you are able to spread the good news about what you’re all about. This is just as important as the rest of your marketing efforts and your reputation as a whole in order to create that brand that people want to buy from. With this, you will have an easier time convincing your audience to become a part of your success.

6 / Intent

In order to create a bold proclamation with your business, the brand has to be able to reflect on that aspect. This is able to send a message to your audience that you are serious in the promises being made by the products and services you offer.


Intent branding. Source: https://twicesocial.com/branding-intent-execution-why-it-matters/

With all that you do with your brand, it should easily exemplify what your business stands for. Otherwise, your customers will easily notice that inconsistency between your promise and your delivery and will lessen their trust and therefore lessen their consumption. This means that if you don’t back up your intent with concrete actions from brand to product, it will lead to a lack of success. You can read a full article about intent and branding over here.

7 / Inspiration

A lackluster brand may also follow a lackluster working environment. By this, we mean that a lot of employees need more than pure work they need something to work towards especially if it’s their passion. When you let the employees understand your brand and the mission of your business, they will feel more involved. Through this, they are able to feel more proud of the work they create and work better to achieve these goals.

When you have a strong brand, you are sort of creating a symbol for the company and it is something they can concretely support. These are able to reinforce their duties and inspire them when challenges start to arise.

There are a lot of programs you can use to improve branding and there are a lot of new technologies so you can showcase your business to its full potential. Check out our article about the upcoming tools you can use in Adobe for all your design needs.

Understand the value of branding now? You would also need a reliable team of designers to make your vision come to life. Dotyeti hires only the top 5% of designers to make sure your business has an innovative and unique brand identity. Sign up today to get started for as low as $449 a month!

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