Essentials of a Marketing Strategy: Visuals You Need to Have

When it comes to building a marketing strategy, there’s no doubt that there are a plethora of things you need to have in mind, and one of them is your content.

As we are swimming deeper into the digital age, visuals play an important part in any marketing strategy. It helps reel in customers, attract the right leads, and build your brand’s reputation, making it a crucial point in any strategy.

For this reason, many business leaders work with reputable marketers and graphic artists to create powerful and effective visuals to help build their marketing strategy.

Types of Visuals Your Marketing Strategy Needs

1. Owned Visuals

marketing materials

Owned visuals are created by or for your brand. It could be an image of your brand, product, or service. It is unique, and it is owned by your brand. This also includes your logo, which is one thing that can help you stand out from your competitors. It should be simple and memorable.

These are the visuals that you have complete ownership over. It’s something you created, allowing you to control what’s being said on your brand’s social media accounts and website. You can then continue to share your own stories with visuals that you control.

Seeing as these are your own, it’s worth working with a credible graphic artist to ensure that your images are 100% yours and fits your brand.

2. Earned Visuals

Earned visuals are created by someone else, where you take advantage of reposting images on your website, blog, or social media accounts. Most of the time, it’s created by audiences, not you—and it can be used for free. These are visuals that are not created exclusively for your brand but are images that are created from something else.

This is a great way to build a visual marketing strategy, as you don’t have to pay for these images. You can simply repost it on your website and social media accounts, leveraging the goodwill of the creator of the image.

3. Paid Visuals


You have to pay for these visuals, as it was created by a third-party or customized for your brand by a third party.

These are important to have as part of your marketing strategy as you have visibility and ownership over everything that’s being said on your brand’s social media accounts, website, and other forms of digital communication.

Depending on the type of visual you want and budget, you can either create it yourself or pay a third-party to get the print and design you want.

The Bottom Line: Be Mindful of Your Content’s Visuals For Better Marketing Impact and Results

When it comes to your marketing strategy, visuals are an important factor that you should have on hand. It’s important to create and have a workflow to keep your visuals current, so you can update and repurpose them if needed.

When you create your marketing strategy, make sure you outline the visuals you need to have, by type. Then, you can begin your search for these visuals, whether it’s through your brand’s research or working with a graphic artist.

How Can We Help You?

If you’re looking for visuals made by fantastic graphic artists, you’ve come to the right place. offers an on-demand and efficient graphic design platform with an affordable flat monthly fee. This way, you’ll have access to visual tools that can elevate your brand. Check us out today!

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